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It Has Nothing To Do With Age provides self-help principles. The inspirational stories give concrete illustrations of overcoming many of life's challenges. Difficulties pertaining to depression, grief, divorce, and death are presented and worked through by the participants. Physical impairments, injuries, overcoming issues with weight, alcohol, and nicotine are also dealt with and resolved by the athletes.

This book provides a model on how to overcome some of the difficulties that confront all of us . Further, this read sheds a beacon of light on preventive measures for good physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that exercise is an important component in treating such ailments and debilitating illness such as depression, stroke, heart disease, brain or cognitive malfunction,and Alzheimer's disease.

I suggest that proper exercise can be used as a preventive measure for psychological, cognitive, and physical health as well. Follow my prescription and lead a better, more fulfilling, and healthier life.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Middle East Tragedy

The Palestinian people for quite some time have been a part of a socio- economic system that has been based on an agrarian as opposed to a highly mechanized industrialized society. Within their socio-economic system, there has been limited opportunities for personal advancement, abundance or psychological well-being. Educationally, there has been major issues in (what is being taught) and other significant deficiencies (limitations or limited levels of progressive ideas as well). I believe there exists roughly 50% of their working age youth that are unemployed, this coupled with a high birth rate results in massive poverty. The infrastructure is lacking, there is ineffective governing, along with a shortage of humanitarian agencies and programs. In other words, there is a major abundance of scarcities. And there’s a lot of human energy spent directed towards meeting basic needs (food and shelter) or exploiting others. There is an enormous population located in a small geographic area, which leads to a dire situation at best. Even having a larger geographic area-like a Palestinian state alone won’t solve the socioeconomic deficiencies.
As a result of these and others negative, social and economic factors, it is not surprising that many Palestinians likely feel inferior, insignificant and/or powerless in their lives. All a Palestinian has to do is to watch a television program or visit across the border, and they find a very different society that’s based on an industrial economic system, apparent wealth, universities of higher learning, a well running health system, a democratic form of government with many resources and individual opportunities for advancement with positive human growth and well-being. Everyone else seems to be living the good life. Psychologically, and unconsciously, it is understandable why many Palestinians have feelings of being inferior, not significant or irrelevant and week and powerless.
When an individual has emotionally vulnerable feelings of being (powerless, a non-entity  and low self-esteem), this results and can lead the person unknowingly in the direction of fusing one’s self (identifying) with someone or some terrorist group more powerful outside of oneself in order to compensate and acquire a feeling of strength. This identification is a poor substitute and certainly doesn’t provide individuation, nor well-being. Instead, unfortunately, this identification can lead to a psychological striving for submission which often leads to developing a masochistic character orientation. Further, masochistic strivings generally lead to the development of psychological dependency within the individual .The person then employs internalization and develops a thinking process and style and tends to believe that he loves and is loyal to that significant other/group. The experiencing of feelings of inferiority and rationalizing leads to further irrational thinking. He believes that his state or position is entirely due to unchangeable, conditions or circumstances not under his control. As a consequence, he is unable to take responsibility for his position or welfare in his life. Or, experiencing these emotional vulnerabilities (feeling insignificant, powerless and inferior) could also lead a person in developing a sadistic orientation or character.
It is with the development of a sadistic character that the person is likely to engage and become an active and devoted member of a “terrorist” group. The motto of a terrorist group is to kill and/or maim and to be killed.  It’s easy for this personality style person to rationalize their own death, like in a suicide bombing. They rationalize they are giving their life for a higher cause. These terrorists groups appeal to those that feel powerlessness, not important and are simply one of many insignificant or irrelevant individuals.
 It is clear that within terrorist groups, the leadership psychologically and behaviorally has to have others dependent on them,   have absolute control and unrestricted power over others-the ones that appear weak and needy. For the sadistic personality, it’s not enough to rule, but one has to be able to exploit, to suffocate, to control, to take advantage of, to squeeze and even to steal from those others. This psychology of the sadistic character in essence makes others suffer and is predicated on the wish for domination, as well as for power. It’s not unlike these leaders to convey ideas to their flock such as “I am in charge of you because I know what’s best for you; I have done so much for you and am entitled to take from you.” The sadist simply loves the masochistic because he can dominate him. In fact, sadism and masochism seem to go together. For every masochist, you will find a sadist and for every sadist there’s a masochist.

To be continued


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